You might be wondering why Magento is so popular amongst the web developers these days? More than 2,00,000 e-commerce websites are powered on Magento and the features contributing to this success are mentioned below.
The Salient Features Of The Rising Popularity Of This Platform:
Since its introduction in the year 2008, Magento community has been growing rapidly. There are more than 800,000 estimated certified Magento developers across the world who have empowered nearly 240,000 businesses till now. It is of no doubt that Magento has successfully occupied more than a quarter space in the global E-commerce market. All which is due to its impeccable range of core functionalities and features packed all together. Swift processing, easy navigation, SEO optimized web pages, integrated payment gateways, seamless checkout tools- all of which combine to form a robust E-commerce system delivering the secure and scalable shopping experience to the online customers. Additionally, the continuous customer support system, review, and feedback options organized, logistic details, simplified account management services and advanced search option features mark the Magento amongst the top-notch E-commerce web development platforms. Hence, considering the changing scenario of the digital market nowadays, it’s highly advised to get your online business backed by a comprehensive and powerful web development platform like Magento!